The Meier Case: UFO Contactee Revealed?, Hesemann, Michael, Magazin 2000plus, Vol. 10, pp. 64-71, October 1998

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MAGAZIN 2000plus (Germany) examines the background to the UFO Controversy of the Year
by Michael Hesemann

As far back as one year ago, the divorced wife of Swiss UFO contactee "Billy" Eduard Albert Meier initiated a fierce controversy that is keeping ufological magazines abuzz. MAGAZIN 2000plus delved into the background of this case and is utilizing it to cast another glance upon one of the most controversial, and simultaneously most impressive, UFO contact cases. In contrast to those journalists who have blindly reprinted the scathing attacks of Meier's ex-wife, Michael Hesemann has taken it upon himself to personally interview Meier, his son Methusalem, and 20 of his eyewitnesses—something none of Meier's foes has done up to this point...

The background of the controversy:

A tragic "War of the Roses" destabilizes the UFO Scene

One of the most tragic chapters life can ever write is about the divorce from a previously beloved partner. Not only has the couple grown apart but what was once a passionate love affair has now grown cold. Both parties realize they will have to continue the remainder of their lives on separate paths, without the other—and more often than not the divorce also signifies disillusionment. Suddenly one partner views the other, to whom he or she previously offered love and understanding for so long, in a different light, from a negative angle. Or else, one partner wishes to see only the negative side of the other . . .

More often than not, divorce is also a time when "dirty linens" are aired. And the more passionate the love once was, the fiercer the ensuing "War of the Roses" becomes. The divorced individual loses all objectivity, all respect for the partner, and frequently even self-respect. The divorced partner embarks on levels from where he or she accuses the ex-partner of everything under the sun and, at the same time, pitches lightning, stones, and often rubbish. All of this is paired with a hefty amount of self-righteousness, for every divorced person wants to present to others an image of being the pathetic, innocent victim of a brute. And with every possible means the individual secretly attempts to destroy the former partner on the grounds of feeling profoundly disappointed and abandoned by the partner. The motto is: 'If he won't be happy with me, I'll see to it that he won't be happy with anyone else either.'

It is unfair and the lowest of shoddy tabloid journalism to judge a man based on statements made by his divorced wife or, by the same token, judge a woman by her ex-husband's accounts. Were one to do so, the entire world of divorced partners would almost exclusively consist of "criminals" and "tramps." Would you trust Mia Farrow to write a somewhat unbiased biography of Woody Allen? My point precisely!

But tactfulness and restraint do not count in the dark world of UFO agitation, which some people believe is "research." Yet, this is how a Swiss couple's divorce battle entered the UFO gazettes, and some "naivelings" do exist who actually take the word of the ex-wife about her ex-husband as the gospel truth. Quo vadis, ufology? Until now we only expected such things from Bildzeitung [a German blood-and-guts tabloid]...

The couple to whom we refer bears the name Meier. He, Eduard "Billy" Meier, is a well-known contactee, i.e., he claims having had contacts since his childhood with inhabitants from the Pleiades. And there is much evidence for this claim. In 1975 and 1976 Meier took more than one thousand excellent color UFO photographs whose authenticity was examined and validated by top experts from NASA and the US Air Force. He recorded UFO whirring sounds and produced effects whose duplication would have required an entire recording studio, so say Hollywood sound engineers. He brought back metal fragments which, according to an IBM chemistry expert, were produced through a "cold fusion" process unknown on Earth. As well, more than 40 eyewitnesses accompanied him to his contacts, where they observed the arrivals and departures of the glowing, flying objects.

In 1966 Meier married a young Greek girl, Kalliope Zafiriou, whom he had met and fallen in love with on one of his world travels. The young woman found it difficult to feel at home in her unfamiliar Swiss surroundings. In 1975, when Meier revealed to the public that he was having contacts, her ordeal began that was to last 20 years: The ridicule by her neighbors in this rural region who had already been suspiciously eyeing this "exotic" female, the onslaught of curious visitors who, when they could not gain access to Meier himself, then expected answers to all mysteries of the universe at least from this totally overtaxed Greek woman—and all the while she was simply playing "second fiddle," a mere shadspicion. Did the Pleiadians want to direct him onto the right track even then? In any case, someone triggered the ticking of the time bomb, which then, sometime in the future, could be used against Meier. In 1998 that moment arrived.

But who could be behind this group of deceptors? Definitely someone with access to a large photo archive, and someone who is swift enough to find a young woman who resembled Asket so that the photos could be switched. A Secret Service? Or was it extraterrestrials who deliberately manipulated the case so they could control the consequences and then be able to back out if required? We do not know the answer. The fact is however: The extraterrestrial Asket does exist. Indeed, a respected UN diplomat, along with several other witnesses at the Buddhist monastery in India saw her. Hence, this means but one thing—Meier was the victim and not the perpetrator of this cunning deception. We hope that some day, at the latest when she has retired, our witness will be willing to speak out publicly, before a camera, in order to irrevocably redeem Meier. (Incidentally, my conversation and the dinner with her took place in the company of two witnesses, Mr. and Mrs. Diaz.)

The Manipulator

Pulling the strings as the initiator of the Anti-Meier-Smear-Campaign is the American Kal K. Korff. He has supplied damaging “evidence” against her husband to Mrs. Meier—who personally stated under oath on February 16, 1991, that she had “never observed or caught Billy Meier perpetrating any dishonest machinations or manipulations for the purpose of deluding people, nor have I ever collaborated myself with him in such a deception.”

Korff has been a Meier antagonist from the onset, and this fact may have had its roots in a narcissistic slight. In 1978, as a 15-year-old adolescent, Korff begged UFO researcher Col. Wendelle Stevens, with whom he corresponded and from whom he found out about Meier’s sensational photographs, to take him along to Switzerland on his, Stevens', next on-location research visit. Of course Stevens refused—as a minor, Korff would not have been permitted to travel without the accompaniment of a parent or a guardian. This prompted Korff, as he admits in his book Spaceships from the Pleiades (New York, 1995), to hypothesize that “Stevens who was usually always so open, obviously had something to hide.” So, instead, he soon formed an alliance with the controversial UFO researcher Bill Moore. Three years later—Stevens in the meantime had publicized the Meier Case in the USA—Moore published Korff’s brochure The Most Infamous Hoax in Ufology, which contained the polemics of an 18-year-old teenager who called himself “Director of Research for Ufology and Parapsychology at the Institute for Paranormal Science.” What he failed to tell the readers, however, was the fact that this “institute” was housed in his playroom and that he was its only member. Eight years later Moore, his sponsor, became persona non grata on the American UFO scene. At a Las Vegas MUFON Conference in 1988 Moore himself admitted he had worked for U.S. government agents and had deliberately disseminated disinformation within the UFO community. Moore personally admitted that, first and foremost, the plan was to maneuver UFO researchers into an impasse if they made too much headway into the security apparatus of the U.S. Secret Services and, secondly, to subsequently thoroughly discredit them.
Korff disappeared from view in those days, only to re-emerge in public in 1993. For the first time in his life he managed to travel to Switzerland and, under an assumed name and in Hippie-Look, he visited Meier’s “Semjase-Silver-Star-Center,” which is accessible to anyone. He purchased a few photographs and some written material. With this material he elevated himself into a so-called “objective investigator” of the case. In his lectures he bragged about his mastery of the German language and of having identified Meier’s source for Helium—Korff alleges that Meier works with UFO models which are suspended from helium-filled balloons—and the reference literature Meier allegedly used. Upon closer scrutiny this all turns out to be nothing but a bluff. The truth is that Korff speaks only a few words of German, while his great achievement consisted of having found a book store and a shop for Helium in Winterthur, whose staff is not even acquainted with Meier. Two years later Korff’s book appeared, complete with “computer analyses” of the Meier photographs. Korff's questionable, embossed-screen-resolution-pictures suddenly now have entire laundry “spider-net” clothesline contraptions with suspension threads above the UFOs. One must question why a single suspension thread would not have sufficed. And then, when one takes the original photographs and repeats Korff’s analysis with the same software—voilà, suddenly the threads are no longer visible, or else they turn out to be mere scratches on the reproduction.

In public talks Korff claims he is “not a skeptic by any stretch of the imagination.” He also says that he “approached this case completely unbiased.” Both statements are lies. As far back as 1980, before Korff ever stepped onto Swiss soil, he already had called the Meier Case the “most infamous hoax of ufology.” Therefore, he was nowhere near taking an unbiased position when he made his trip to Switzerland in 1991, which he, undeservedly, elevated into an “undercover trip to Switzerland.” Furthermore, he has an inherent tendency to lie to others. In a manner worthy of James Bond, Korff wordily describes how he sneaked back onto the Meier farm at night and barely escaped Meier’s bloodthirsty hounds, and how he took soil samples at purported UFO landing track sites. Too bad that Meier had no dog at the time in question, and the landing marks had not been visible for several years prior to Korff's visit. Instead of interviewing legitimate Meier’s witnesses, Korff elected to meet only with relatives of a previous Meier follower who had passed away and who had, prior to his death, decidedly turned into a Meier foe when a “vision” revealed to him that Billy M. was “the devil personified.”

Contrary to his claims, Korff is most certainly a dyed-in-the-wool-skeptic, for not only did he have his book published by the American skeptics and free-thinkers publishing house “Prometheus,” but two years later he also “debunked” another showcase of UFO research, the Roswell Crash. “Of course,” Korff asserts, “the U.S. Air Force did state the truth in 1947,” and thereupon he continues with his attempt to "prove" (with threadbare arguments) that it was simply a balloon which had crashed at the time. Of similar “merit” was Korff’s analysis on the CNN TV network, with which he intended to prove that John F. Kennedy was shot only by Lee Harvey Oswald’s bullets, and that no other sniper existed—hence there could not have been a conspiracy.

When a Swiss ufologist claims, therefore, that Korff is not a “skeptic in the traditional sense ... instead, he wants to separate truth from falsehood,” then that Swiss ufologist is either naive, poorly informed, or both. Korff’s “accomplishment” to demonstrate that the internationally renowned computer expert Jim Dilettoso, director of the “Village Labs” in Tempe, AZ, had “decorated himself with a phony Ph.D.,” proved to be nothing but a soap bubble. Dilettoso never used the title of Ph.D. He has, however, jokingly said that for all his work he deserves a Ph.D. For Korff's outright lies about Art Bell, the popular U.S. radio talk show host forced Korff to apologize publicly, on the air, before Bell's international audience of nearly 15 million listeners.

Who is behind Korff? He calls himself the “executive officer” of the “Think Tank” [Total Research] “whose goal it is to study mankind’s largest and most enduring mysteries and phenomena,” as Korff describes his operation in his typical, inherent modesty. Even more interesting than his imposter/con-artist claims—since even “Total Research” is a mere one-man “think tank”—is the fact that Korff admits on page 408 of his book he had worked “for years for the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratories,” a top weapons manufacturer for the USA. According to Col. Corso from the Pentagon, these Livermore Laboratories also work on SDI weaponry, which is primarily directed at thwarting UFOs and is part of the “Black World.” Likewise, according to his own statements, Korff says he was working "with various government agencies,” “in the development of weapons,” and in “analyses by news services”: “Officially I finished my work for the U.S. government in January 1991 during the last days of the Gulf War . . . although I continue to be consulted from time to time.”
According to statements by Bob Lazar and other colleagues from Nevada’s “Area 51" which works together with the Lawrence Livermore Laboratories, the USA has in its possession a crashed and recovered “Meier UFO.” Could this be the reason behind Korff’s campaign against Meier? Is Meier a threat because he lives in a neutral country, maintains good contacts within Japan and Russia, and has access to a technology which is jealously guarded at Area 51 as the biggest secret of the United States? Are they afraid that other countries might just gain possession of this super weapon through Meier unless he is totally discredited?

The fact that Korff with his dubious past has written only two books, one against Meier and the other against Roswell, is assuredly no coincidence. And the 15 assassination attempts against Billy Meier tend to confirm that his ex-wife and the wanna-be ufologists lusting for fame and fortune are not the only one who have something against him ...

Renewed Assassination Attempts on Meier

While the tabloids of the ufological rainbow press speak of the “end” of the Meier Case, others are attempting to even expedite it. Indeed, twice, on June 8 and 10—for the 14th and 15th time—someone has attempted to murder the contactee Meier; once even in broad daylight -- and both times before witnesses!

It appears that Meier’s most recent publications have incited these latest events because, for the first time, he accuses a secret government mafia, similar to the “Men in Black,” of having manipulated and switched several of his earlier photographs. The fact is that serious Meier Case investigators, such as American atmospheric scientist Prof. James Deardorff, U.S. Air Force Col. Wendelle C. Stevens, or Michael Hesemann, have been convinced for years that the Meier Case was “contaminated” (see Chapter 23 of Hesemann’s Geheimsache UFO). Nonetheless, authentic photographs, movie footage, metal samples, and especially the statements of eyewitnesses verify the fact that Meier did indeed have genuine contacts and continues to have them to this day.

A shot rang out around 4:40 p.m. on June 8, as Meier walked across the court yard in front of the farm house in which he lives. The bullet soared past him so closely that he could feel the air move as the projectile barely missed his forehead. Three witnesses were present - two women and a man who stood a mere 30-50 meters/yards from Meier and they observed how Meier had been fired upon. But the sniper, who had been thoroughly hidden in the bushes, used Meier's and his friends' moment of shocked numbness to disappear unrecognized. Only the point of entry of the caliber 22 bullet was discovered—the bullet was lodged in a tree at the precise height of Meier’s forehead.

On June 10, 1998, around 3 a.m., less than 35 hours later, the second assassination attempt took place: Meier, who is a night worker, was walking across the court yard toward his friend Silvano, when he felt a powerful blow to his left kidney. Someone had hurled a throwing knife at him which, apparently, turned in midair and had struck him with the handle. Silvano, who stood a mere meter away from Meier, was only able to sense a person running from the brush where the knife thrower had been hiding. Meier later commented: “I can only say that I find it despicable and sad that somebody would attempt to eliminate the truth in this way.”

I have nothing more to add.