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La Lune, la lune de la Terre, qui a pour nom latin Luna. C'est le seul satellite de la Terre, mais c'est la deuxième planète à occuper cette position dans l'histoire de la Terre. Elle n'est pas le plus grand satellite du système stellaire Sol.

La Lune est en rotation synchrone avec la Terre, ce qui fait qu'elle nous montre toujours la même face dans le ciel nocturne. Ce que nous avons désigné comme sa face proche est marqué par des marées volcaniques sombres qui s'intercalent entre les anciens hauts plateaux de la croûte terrestre et les cratères d'impact proéminents. C'est l'objet le plus lumineux du ciel après le Soleil. Bien qu'elle apparaisse d'un blanc très lumineux, sa surface est en fait sombre, avec une réflectance à peine supérieure à celle de l'asphalte usé. Sa proéminence dans le ciel et son cycle régulier de phases ont, depuis les temps anciens, fait de la Lune une influence culturelle importante sur le langage, les calendriers, l'art et la mythologie.

L'influence gravitationnelle de la Lune produit les marées océaniques et le léger allongement du jour. Sa distance orbitale actuelle est d'environ trente fois le diamètre de la Terre, ce qui lui donne une taille apparente dans le ciel presque identique à celle du Soleil. Cela permet à la Lune de couvrir le Soleil de façon presque précise lors d'une éclipse totale de Soleil, ce qui est une disposition assez spéciale et rare. Mais cette correspondance de taille visuelle apparente n'est apparemment qu'une coïncidence. La distance linéaire de la Lune par rapport à la Terre augmente actuellement de 3,82±0,07 cm par an, mais ce taux n'est pas constant, en raison du mouvement de rotation particulier et extraordinaire de la Terre, qui s'est développé depuis que nous avons commencé à mettre au point des armes à fission atomique.

Les scientifiques pensent que la Lune s'est formée il y a environ 4,5 milliards d'années, peu de temps après la formation de la Terre, à la même époque. Et l'explication actuellement la plus largement acceptée de sa formation réelle est qu'elle s'est formée à partir des débris laissés après un impact géant entre la Terre et un corps de la taille de Mars. Bien que les Plejaren nous disent que ce n'était tout simplement pas le cas. La lune est un fragment d'une planète provenant d'un système stellaire entièrement différent et est âgée de 4 à 5 millions d'années de plus que la Terre, ce qui, pour être honnête, la place à peu près au même âge que la Terre, rendant une évaluation précise de l'hypothèse encore plus difficile. L'hypothèse pourrait cependant être vraie pour la lune originelle de la Terre. Les différentes missions lunaires ont rapporté plus de 380 kg de roches lunaires, qui ont été utilisées pour développer une compréhension géologique de l'origine de la Lune.

  • La lune est officiellement citée comme étant le seul corps céleste autre que la Terre sur lequel l'homme a posé le pied.
  • La lune est officiellement, académiquement citée comme ayant été visitée pour la première fois sans équipage par le programme Luna de l'Union soviétique en 1959.
  • La lune est officiellement, académiquement citée comme étant la première visite humaine, habitée par le programme Apollo de la NASA des États-Unis, plus précisément Apollo 11 et Neil Armstrong.
  • La glace d'eau lunaire se trouve dans des cratères ombragés en permanence aux pôles et est liée au régolithe lunaire.
  • La Lune reste, en vertu du "traité sur l'espace", libre d'être explorée par toutes les nations à des fins pacifiques.
  • De futures missions habitées vers la Lune ont été planifiées, y compris des efforts financés par le gouvernement et le secteur privé.

FAQ et Q&R sur la Lune

Q: Pourquoi les vidéos de démystification des canulars lunaires ignorent-elles Apollo 11 alors qu'Apollo 11 et 13 étaient les seules fraudes ?

A: La même réponse et le même raisonnement que pour toute conspiration, parce que la majorité ne vérifie pas. Si vous recherchez Apollo hoax, la plupart des moteurs de recherche et YouTube proposent des vidéos de démystification qui ignorent complètement Apollo 11, pour prouver le bien-fondé de la question. Le premier humain à aller sur la lune était Apollo 12. Si un canular ou une vidéo de démystification contient des séquences autres que celles d'Apollo 11, ignorez-les car les personnes qui ne pensent pas ont, pour une raison ou une autre, qualifié de fraude l'ensemble du programme Apollo, même s'il est évident qu'il y a de nombreuses choses sur la lune que nous y avons mises. Que nous soyons allés sur la lune ou non, ce n'est pas la conspiration, nous y sommes allés. La conspiration concerne presque exclusivement Apollo 11 ; Apollo 13 devait faire croire qu'Apollo 11 avait eu lieu.

Q: Qui a été le premier terrien officiel né, de sexe masculin, à poser le pied sur une autre planète ?

A: Soit Charles Conrad, soit Alan Bean.

Non officiellement, officieusement, et bien c'est tout aussi controversé que de dire qu'Apollo 12 était le premier plutôt qu'Apollo 11, nous, à la FIGU, pourrions dire que c'est Billy Meier, mais si ce n'est pas vérifié, nous dirions que je ne sais pas, que cela pourrait être Jmmanuel, Mohammed ou une autre personnalité de la lignée Nokodemion, ou même un autre contacté, il y a plusieurs rapports de contact qui n'ont pas été traduits, qui pourraient le détailler. Il y a un rapport de contact qui décrit en détail un kidnapping / enlèvement, mais par des extraterrestres, c'est-à-dire un soi-disant "enlèvement par des extraterrestres" où un terrien a été enlevé il y a quelques centaines d'années pour être exposé dans un musée extraterrestre, si cela est exact, alors cette personne pourrait techniquement être le premier terrien à poser le pied sur une autre planète dans l'histoire récente, c'est-à-dire après l'Atlantide / la mondialisation actuelle, depuis que les enregistrements ont commencé.

Les lunes de la Terre dans les rapports de contact

Dans le rapport de contact 005, du 16 Fevrier 1975. Semjase raconte l'histoire de notre [Lune], à Billy, son passé, ce qui en fait la deuxième lune de la Terre, c'est-à-dire qu'un fragment de planète a remplacé la lune originelle de la Terre, lors du bouleversement cosmique qui a placé Venus dans sa position actuelle. Voir aussi la page des Planètes.

64. Surely, but I am not finished yet, because I would like to explain even more primordial things to you; the early history of this comet that is so fateful to the Earth, which has also brought the satellites here, the Moon - a fragment of a small planet from a very distant sun system.

65. The Earth's Moon, which comes from a planet that is 4,5 million years older than the Earth.

66. It happened millions of years ago.

67. Deep in unknown space, in a space-time shifted sun system of the Milky Way, a solitary star floated far from the normal paths of the sun-orbiting satellites.

68. It was a dark star, devoid of any life and very dangerous in it unpredictable path, into which it had been flung by a massive eruption of its original sun.

69. This happened as its original sun shattered through all-convulsive explosions, and in its destruction partially destroyed its orbiting satellites, or hurled them out as dangerous projectiles into the dark space.

70. The sun then collapsed into itself and tore a hole in cosmic space.

71. Its matter pressed itself together with tremendous force and was compressed into a small mass.

72. The sun, which in its normal vibrant state had a diameter of eleven million kilometers, had now shrunk to only around 4,2 kilometers.

73. The material became so compressed through this, that a single cubic centimeter weighed several thousand tons.

74. Since then it floats as a dark gaping hollow in space, which within a perimeter of millions of kilometers, tears into itself everything that it is able to grasp and which falls into its spell.

75. The dark star which had been slung from it was again caught by a neighbouring sun system, and circled it in an unpredictable path.

76. In the force field of the giant sun, it circled for many thousands of years, along with its satellites, carrying with it the promise of someday bringing down a catastrophe upon the system.

77. Still far from the actual worlds, the lifeless dark planet wandered through cosmic space.

78. Vast and unapproachable, it floated through the freezing cold of cosmic space - as an outcast, as a wandering planet, as a stranger in a strange system; dark, dangerous and deadly.

79. Under the spell of the far-reaching force arms of the sun, during the course of millennia it approached more and more the actual area of the system's satellites, which it had already circled for so long in an ever-increasing speed.

80. Imperceptibly, its orbit continuously became tighter and tighter, and year after year the extent of the danger grew.

81. With the succession of millennia, it finally came to suddenly and unexpectedly rush into the closest orbit of the sun and its planets.

82. As a rapacious monster it emerged from the blackness of space and announced deadly destruction.

83. First it was just like a silhouette out of nowhere; but as time went on it could be indistinctly recognized as a half-darkened round disk.

84. And now, already illuminated by the rays of the sun which it reflected, it approached with tremendous speed the orbit of the outermost planet.

85. It was still removed by millions of units from the actual heart of the peaceful calm, which however, on account of its enormous size, it would soon have to turn into a seething hell when it entered the stillness of this harmony.

86. But time still went by for the time being, before the giant finally broke away from its path and came into dangerous proximity.

87. Now already visible as a round sphere, the Destroyer reflected the sunlight while pulling a fine veil of luminous particles behind.

88. Still only a few hundred units away from the nearest worlds, it caused infernal storms in these, which destroyed large areas that had been built by the peaceful human beings which had emerged there.

89. Trembling for their hard-earned goods and their already hard life, they found themselves suddenly abandoned to the powerful and merciless forces of the Universe.

90. Helpless, condemned to be handed over from life to death, they stared out into the sky, to the gigantic wandering planet which came racing like a cosmic death missile.

91. It was only a matter of time before the forces of the cosmos would come to display their monstrous powers.

92. On the night of the third day after the incursion of the Destroyer into the orbit of the planets, it might have been shortly past midnight when the drifter from outer space penetrated into the elliptical orbit of the sixth planet.

93. Causing enormous cosmic storms, it threw the planet belonging to this path some units off of its direction, and brought it into a dangerous course towards the sun.

94. Tremendous eruptions and storms tore apart the peaceful appearance of the flourishing planet.

95. Mountains collapsed into themselves and seas were hurled from their beds as it settled into a new path around the sun.

96. Filled with horror and consternation over the mighty forces of nature, the people fled to the vast plains which were scattered all over the planet.

97. But the unleashed forces of Nature were stronger than the will and the ideas of preservation of the people.

98. Two thirds of the human beings inhabiting that planet were killed and destroyed in the hell that was unleashed by Nature.

99. Wild waters tore away large parts of the mainland, while exploding volcanoes buried vast areas under glowing lava and turned everything into rubble and ashes.

100. The daily rotation time doubled, and the planet circled the sun in the opposite direction.

101. Forced by cosmic determinations, the survivors had to find a new beginning, devoid of any culture and transported back to a primeval development period.

102. The Destroyer however, continued its incursion into the system, spreading hell, death and destruction.

103. It crossed the course of the fifth planet, a world about to generate its first life.

104. This one however, was fortunately too far from its path at the time of the event, to be seriously affected by it.

105. Besides powerful storms and minor earth and sea quakes, no significant incidents were worthy of note.

106. The fourth satellite on the system, however, would find its destruction on a war of the worlds.

107. As the smallest of the satellites, it stoically moved along its trajectory, and the prediction was that it would cross the path of the wanderer precisely as the latter would stand directly in front of it.

108. And that is exactly what happened:

109. It fell into the irresistible force of destruction of the giant.

110. Like two wild monsters the two planets rushed against each other; a giant and a dwarf.

111. But before the two could collide, huge explosions ripped the lifeless dwarf planet.

112. Its fragments were hurled into the endless expanse of the Universe, where they were captured by the forces of other stars as shooting stars or meteors, and found their final end burning out in their atmospheres.

113. Additional parts of the dwarf were pulled into the sun and atomized.

114. Other parts were drawn into the Destroyer, becoming a part of it.

115. As if hurled by a giant fist, one half of the dwarf planet shot through a highly developed, man-made dimension door, into the infinite expanses of space of the Milky Way, a very distant destination.

116. Several times it was shaken and pulled from its path in the vicinity of suns and planets, and hit by meteors and shooting stars, thereby changing its shape.

117. After a few centuries it had already reached a roughly round shape.

118. It was however dead and desolate, covered by many small and large craters and unsuitable for life.

119. Through the forces of the various systems, it gradually lost the initial speed and changed course several times, until one day it was attracted by the sun of a system and drawn into its orbit.

120. As a dark, dead planet it passed through all the planetary orbits of the outer rings without causing any damage.

121. Only on the inner rings did it collide with some fragments of a destroyed planet, which however only tore a deep crater in it.

122. Through this, its course was once again slightly changed, and as a result became parallel with the path of the second planet, which had already begotten its first primitive life.

123. A planet that was covered by vast seas and dense primeval forests, primitive, deadly and gruesomely fantastic.

124. From this point on, 34 days passed until this planet, namely the Earth, caught the dwarf and submitted it to its spell.

125. The forces of the planet were enough to tie the dwarf to itself and let it circle around it as a new satellite, on a constantly changing elliptical orbit.

126. Since then, it orbits around the Earth as the Moon; 4,5 million years older than its mother star.

127. On the distant sun system however, the Destroyer raged on.

Moon Landings

FIGU Bulletin 9 November 1996, has a section named “Does Nasa Hide UFO Evidence”, referencing space flights to the moon, as follows:

Is the American National Aeronautics and Space Agency (NASA) concealing evidence of extraterrestrial life? The space agency says "No," of course. On the other hand, a growing number of scientists and U.S. astronauts state that this is the case. Former Apollo astronaut Brian O'Leary says: "A great deal of evidence exists which confirms contact with extraterrestrials, but NASA has confiscated everything." NASA camouflages UFO incidents mainly by manipulating UFO-related conversations between the astronauts and the command centre. These conversations are edited to the point where references to UFOs are completely missing from the official versions of these dialogues. Astronauts report that during flights into space, to the Moon or simply around the Earth, UFOs were indeed photographed, but NASA staff retouched the photos to the point where the objects were no longer visible. These revelations from the astronauts themselves can probably be given credence, as can the assertion by Maurice Chatelain, construction engineer of the Apollo Missions' communication system, that UFOs accompanied every terrestrially launched flight into Earth’s orbit or into space. Richard Hoagland, former NASA consultant, is now demanding from President Clinton the release and publication of secret NASA files related to this subject.

In the Warning to all the governments of Europe! letter, 25th of August, 1958. Eduard A. Meier explains the following regarding the moon. All of which has now come to pass, most of which is publicly available.

14. Even next year on September 13th, 1959, using rocket propulsion, the Earth human, respectively the Soviet Union, will make a hard landing of an unmanned object on the moon; and on April 12th, 1961 an Earth human will climb high in the sky with a rocket to orbit around in the Earth's outer space, then on February 3rd, 1966 an aerospace object will make a soft landing on the moon, then in 1968, the outer fringes of Earth's space will be left, and later the first trip to the moon will be undertaken, whereby up until the year 1972, five (5) manned moon landings will take place through the U.S.A., while a sixth moon landing* - supposedly the first - on August 20th, 1969 will rest only on a world-wide staged deceit as a result of the political armament race with the Soviet Union.

What of Apollo 20 and its popular association with an ancient crashed spaceship and its secret investigation

From the FIGU Forum: Posted on Monday, 21st May, 2012 by Abdiel[1]

Abdiel states:
The people here, that are near Billy Meier know about Apollo 20?

That the Apollo 20 mission to the moon was to explore an ancient ship, that had crashed on the moon and additionally there was an ancient city on the moon.

Why does Billy not question the extraterrestrials about this?

ANSWER: Jacob the moderator answers the statement by directly editing the comment

Edit by jacob - the last Apollo mission was Apollo 17 in 1972, the remaining material was used for Skylab in 14 May 1973 and the Apollo-Sojuz project in 1975, there were never any other moon flights after Apollo 17, please provide some evidence for your 'claims'

(Message edited by jacob on May 21, 2012)[2]

Abdiel uses rhetorical language designed to provoke an emotive response which seduces Jacob the forum moderator to directly edit the comment, as a way of clarifying the defamatory statement, so that readers of the forum are not cajoled into thinking Abdiel was working with the various facts of the situation. [he did so] As the statement quite clearly contradicts the predictions made by Billy in the Warning to all the governments of Europe! letter 25th of August, 1958.

A little time later on the same forum[3] Smukhuti shares his opinions, conclusions of his investigations: Posted on Sunday, 10th June, 2012

Hmmm, in contact 527, Ptaah said that there were 6 moon landings, not 5.

Interestingly, he clubs Apollo 13 (the failed mission) with Apollo 12,14,15,16,17.

There is a note declaring that now is not an appropriate time to publish the facts.[4]

Again, some time later, and on the same forum.[5] Scott, one of the forum moderators takes the time to share the following: Posted on Wednesday, 29th August, 2012

According to Michael Horns new movie "As the time fulfills" Apollo 13 was not a failed landing, but was used to deposit various artifacts, footprints etc onto the surface of the moon. This was used to show future landings by other countries that Apollo 11 was indeed the first landing, although it really wasn't. This was achieved by having Apollo 13 land in the same location as the supposed Apollo 11 years before.....Billy also went onto to mention drugs and hypnosis was used to implant false memories into the astronauts for both Apollo 11 & 13...[6]

Additionally and finally, if we take Contact Report 441 mildly out of context, which deals with Psychology and the various worldwide disinformation campaigns. We find the following sentences, which could quite easily be applied to this particular situation, out-of but in, the context of the conversation between Ptaah and Billy, Contact Report 441 on Saturday, 3rd February, 2007.

...nonsense sells very well to the Earth humans because many on the search for the effective truth trust and believe this false information...

...the truth appears too banal and therefore appears uninteresting as well as not worth knowing.

To be clear, this has been taken out of context from Contact Report 441, in the context, but outside of the conversation in Contact Report 441. To facilitate the answering of the various resulting why? questions, for the more discerning reader.

To wrap up the segment on Apollo 20, and go full circle, all that is left to reference yet again is, Apollo 20, and how it came to be, under the various circumstances set out in this section.

  • 1: there is room, fertility, flexibility in the facts for this conclusion to be made, to gain ground as an idea, as you can see, overview from this layout of information, of the facts of the situation.
  • 2: it sells, both as an idea, but also it feeds the need for a higher level of excitement rating, the facts of the moon landings are much less exciting, too banal to sell as an entertainment product on a popular media network, with too little fantastic and entertaining things to bring up the excitement rating as a story, as a real story for the moon landing events. So various elaborations into the fantastic, as always, just as it is with every subject, come to be, become popular as an idea, to be cultivated as an idea, to fit in with the available facts, despite not mirroring reality.
  • 2.1: which could probably be blamed on consumerism coupled with both the unknowing and the open lying at a governmental level.

Additional FIGU Bulletin information

FIGU Bulletin 7, June 1996. Billy references a maritian fragment found in the antarctic, additionally referencing Earths Moon according to accepted theory, as a way of evaluating the discoveries made by Earth Scientists. That a contradiction in the estimated age of Earth was surely revealed by its discovery.

Scientists discovered in the Antarctic ice field a meteorite fragment estimated to be 4 billion years old and it, they claim, originated from Planet Mars. And yet, nobody seems to question the fact that this fragment represents a contradiction to scientific conviction that the Earth's estimated age is 4 to 4.5 billion years. No one seems to question the concept that if the Earth is only 4 billion years old, give or take a few years, a Martian fragment could not have crashed into Earth and then be found in the Antarctic at the present time. One merely has to imagine the Ur-state ("Ur" is a German prefix signifying: most ancient, primeval, earliest, initial) of the Earth in those ancient times. The scientists contend that the Martian fragment may have wound up on Earth after it was first ripped from Mars and then hurled to Earth as a gigantic meteorite struck Mars. A British team of Earth scientific experts states that the fragment probably was initially jettisoned toward Earth, whereupon it crashed onto its surface at the same time the planetary bombardment took place.

Scientific reports claim that over a period of approximately 200 million years, and soon after the solar system's birth, a monumental meteorite shower struck the Moon, causing numerous impact craters which, even today, present proof of these ancient events. Scientists assert that the Earth, Mars, Venus, our Moon, other SOL planets, as well as their respective moons, were then all subjected to this hail of meteorites. Discovery of the Martian rock fragment supports this theory and turns this extraordinary meteorite into a precious piece of ancient history.

Additionally for archival purposes, in FIGU Bulletin 7 under the The Mars Mission section. Information submitted to the FIGU by Heidi, Bob, Marc, Jason in San Diego, USA. Recites an article published in the New York Times, 15th December, 1960. Warning mankind to prepare for a discovery of life in space, citing possible artifact discoveries on the Moon.

New York Times, Thursday, December 15, 1960:


Brookings Institute Report Says Earth's Civilization Might Topple if Faced by a Race of Superior Beings.

Washington, D.C., Dec. 14 (UPI) -- Discovery of life on other worlds could cause the earth's civilization to collapse, a Federal report said today.

This warning was contained in a research report given to the National Aeronautic and Space Administration (NASA) with the recommendation that the world prepare itself mentally prepare for the eventuality.

The report, prepared by the Brookings Institution said, "while the discovery of intelligent life in other parts of the universe is not likely in the immediate future, it could nevertheless, happen at any time."

Discovery of intelligent beings on other planets could lead to an allout effort by earth to contact them, or it could lead to sweeping changes or even the downfall of civilization, the report said.

Even on earth, it added, "societies sure of their own place have disintegrated when confronted by a superior society, and others have survived even though changed."

Responding to Crisis

"Clearly, the better we can come to understanding the factors involved in responding to such a crisis the better prepared we may be."

The agency's 100-page report, prepared at a cost of $86,000, was for the space agency's committee on beings-in-space studies. The members, headed by Donald M. Michael, also recommended further study of other space activities, including the symptomatic and propaganda effects and the implications of communication and weather satellites.

On the question of life in outer space, the report said that if intelligent or super-intelligent beings were discovered in the next twenty years they would probably be found by radio communications with other solar systems.

Evidence of such existence "might also be found in artefacts left on the moon or other planets," it said.

An attempt already has been made to contact outer space. Government scientists at Greenbank, West Virginia, used radio astronomy in an effort to pick up signals that might have been beamed by intelligent beings. They concentrated on a star about fifteen light years away.

Signals sent from Greenbank were of a kind that would show to anyone receiving on other planets that they were man-made and not simple natural phenomena.

Submitted by Heidi, Bob, Marc, Jason in San Diego, USA

If you for some reason thought in your mind "That cannot surely be a comprehensive listing of Moon related information", you were correct. [Moon centric search results]

Further Reading
